July 21, 2012

Morning Banana Diet

How about lose weight quickly and without going hungry and can eat anything? That's what promises Morning Banana Diet, which was created in Japan a few years ago and became the fever there and then also in the United States. The success in Japan was much that led to a shortage of bananas in the local supermarkets.

Proponents of the Banana Diet say that it is possible to lose weight 8 kgs in one month or up to 18 kgs in two months on this diet. This all with out restrictions on what you eat for lunch or dinner. But is the Banana Diet really work?

How Does the Banana Diet
The Banana Diet is very easy to follow, there are few rules and there is a specific menu, just a few rules. Follow these rules.
  1. At breakfast, eat 1-4 bananas accompanied by warm or at room temperature
  2. Do not eat anything until lunch time
  3. Lunch and dinner usually eat
  4. Afternoon Snack released
  5. The dinner should be made until 8 pm and after dinner, nothing else should be consumed until  bedtime
  6. Sleep before midnight
But this diet work?
The banana is a fruit rich in fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The fiber in bananas prolong satiety, leading people to eat less naturally. The resistant starch, type of fibers which contains banana, when digested produces substances which can increase the capacity of the body fat burning and also decrease the accumulation of it in the body.

Banana Calories and Nutrients
A banana is far from being considered a high-calorie food, it can have between 60-180 calories depending on size. The banana gold is the calorie about 125 calories. Other bananas and silver as the dwarf contains about 90 calories.

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