That regular soda is bad for you is a no-brainer. Between the high fructose corn syrup and chemicals, a whole host of health problems have resulted! Just by drinking regular soda, you’re saying, “I don’t care if I get fat! I don’t care about my health.” But… is diet soda, which is still laden with a whole myriad of chemicals, really any better?
I’m sure that you really do care about your body… otherwise; you wouldn’t be spending your time reading my health articles… In fact, you may be one of those people who are proud of the healthy way they are eating. You may be one who is so excited that they don’t drink sugar laden pop, but stick with “diet” soda instead. Is that you?
Bad, Bad Diet Soda Pop!
Diet soda is marketed as a healthy, guilt-free drink that will help you lose weight! The truth is that there is absolutely not one single thing healthy about this drink, which I endearingly refer to as “Sewer Water”. Not only does it deplete your body of essential vitamins and minerals, but it has been proven through an eight-year study that it actually makes you fatter faster than drinking the normal stuff, upping your chances of being overweight by 41% for every bottle of diet soda you drink each day!
So, now, not only is regular soda bad for us, but our favorite sweet drink… our healthy alternative… is bad for us too?! (Insert a groan right here.)
The Whys behind the Madness
How can diet soda make you fat?! I don’t want to give you the “thou shalt not” without the “whys”, so here are the reasons behind this crazy dilemma!
First of all, let’s look at the most obvious reason. I am sure there are other people out there who think like I used to! I used to think that if something was half the calories that I could eat twice as much. Some people falsely believe that if they drink diet soda that they can eat more as a result! This leads to the consumption of more calories and, of course, weight gain!
Secondly, artificial sweeteners, which are packed full of empty nutrition and chemicals that we are not meant to consume, actually “fool” our bodies into thinking we are really getting sugar. When your taste buds think you are getting something sweet, they automatically send a signal to your brain to initialize your insulin response. This makes your body store fat. Also, because the extra insulin makes your blood sugar drop, it makes your body need actual sugar to bring your levels back up again, resulting in a craving for real sweets and refined carbohydrates.
The reason that diet sodas result in gained weight may be due to one or the other, or a combination of these depending on how well you do at saying “no” to sugar and carbs throughout a craving. This does not make it okay to drink regular pop, but it also makes it not okay to drink diet drinks. If you are serious about having a fit and healthy body, then you must avoid all soda pops, diet or not.
For more information, visit here.
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