March 13, 2013

Obesity Related Deaths

My family has a lot of obesity related deaths. Just recently my father died from being overweight. It hurts me everyday knowing my father could have prevented this, but was to stubborn to stick to a diet plan. I will tell you the story on how being obese effected our life while I was growing up. Please, read my story. I hope you can get inspiration from my story.

I had a wonderful childhood growing up, I have two brothers, I am the middle child and our whole family had a problem with being overweight. So my brothers and I were bigger kids, so the other kids at school made fun of us for being overweight. My mother and father were overweight too so it just seemed natural to us. By the time I turned 8 years old, my parents were having problems with their marriage and ended up getting a divorce.

After the divorce is when my father started to eat more from depression and he just started to gain more and more weight. It didn't take long at all for him to gain 100 pounds after the divorce. My brothers and I finally talked him into going to the doctor for a check up and the news was devastating. He had type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. The doctor told him he was a ticking time bomb and he must start a diet plan to lose some weight. Not to mention all the medication the doctor prescribed him. My brothers and I were so scared of losing our father.

After the visit to the doctor, my father started a diet plan, but he was only on it for a week and was back to his old ways again. He was so stubborn that the bad news from the doctor including us kids begging him to stick to a diet plan wasn't enough for him to change his life. That's when I started to eat better and exercise hoping he would do it with me, but that never happened. My father watched me lose 103 pounds in a year and still didn't change his outlook on life. I felt he didn't care about us kids and dying. One night not that long ago, I was talking to him on the phone before he went to bed not knowing that was going to be the last time I was going to talk to him, he passed away in his sleep from a heart attack. My last words to him were "Goodnight, I Love You Dad," I will never forget that. My father and I were so close and he died from a heart attack because he was obese. Only if he wasn't so stubborn and stuck to a diet plan, he would still be living a healthy life today.

After my fathers death my mother woke up and started a popular diet plan on the internet called Fat Loss Factor and she has lost 40 pounds already and it's only been about 3 months. If you are obese, don't let your kids or family down and die at a young age like my father did. Your kids and family need you, show them that you can lose weight and live a healthy life. You never know whats going to happen tomorrow. Anyone can lose weight, just stick to it. My mother loves Fat Loss Factor, it's working great for her and I'm sure it will work for you too. 

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