September 13, 2013

174 Pounds Lost: Weight Loss Success Story from Amanda Taylor

Amanda Taylor, 36 years old, live in St. Louis, Missouri success to lose weight from 380 lbs to 206 lbs. The story start from August 2003. There are many sad stories and happy stories, but the end of the stories, Amanda was successful to lose weight. I think the stories was very interesting and can give inspire and motivation to people that have a weight problem. This is summary from her weight loss success story.

Weight Loss Success Story from Amanda Taylor
Amanda Taylor 's Weight Loss Success Story (174 Pounds)
Her “turning point” that prompted she to lose weight is when her weight close to 400 pounds, because losing weight is the ONLY option.
Feeling desperate, on August 2003, she had gastric bypass surgery. She was success to lose weight over 100 pounds, but it was not the answer to weight loss. She said that you can gain all of the weight back after having gastric bypass surgery. And she did gain. After three years and two pregnancies, she gained back more than 60 pounds. Then she was determined to lose weight she gained and this time she had the confidence that she could lose it on my own, so she joined a gym.
It felt like torture at first and she was in some serious muscle pain, but she continued to force herself to go. She felt stronger with more energy. She also started to welcome exercise and it all began to click. She began eating healthier with foods that fueled her body instead of just tasting good.  She began seeing results and she began to believe in myself so much more!  She could lose weight and she could do it the healthy way!
Her biggest challenge was something she struggle with daily, it is making the right food choices.  One way she avoid giving into “impulse eating” and “food cravings” is by not letting myself become too hungry. There were many times she have wanted to give up. Life motivates me. She want to be around for my kids; She  want to grow old and gray and she want to enjoy all life has to offer. Being stuck in a 400-pound body is no life at all.
Her current exercise routine
She use to go to the gym three times a week and do yoga twice a week. I had to adjust my schedule recently, since I don’t have as much free time as before. These days, I use breaks during work to walk and climb stairs. Stairs are an awesome calorie burner!  At home, I work in fitness with family time. Walks to the park, bike rides. and a good ‘ole game of Just Dance can definitely work up a sweat — and get the kids excited about fitness as well!
Her daily diet
She try to stick to eating 5-6 small meals a day and avoid temptations. She have a small breakfast around 8:00am, which may include eggs with vegetables or oatmeal with fruit. At 11:00am, she have a snack, which might include a Greek yogurt or almonds, which is high in protein. she usually have lunch around 1:00pm, which could be anything from tuna fish to dinner leftovers. The key is to keep portion size small!  She exercise after lunch or when she get home, and she have a protein shake soon after. Dinner is 5:30 or 6:00pm, and usually includes a small portioned meat with vegetables. Her cravings for sweets really kick in during the evenings, so she usually have a small evening snack, such as fruit or a “skinny dessert.”
Her specific suggestions for avoiding temptations?
Keeping busy always helps her avoid temptations. Also, many of us mistake thirst for hunger, so make sure to keep hydrated! There will be temptations everywhere, there is no way to avoid them but always keep in mind your ultimate goal: YOUR HEALTH
Some suggestions to others what would they be
To never give up. She do not hold the “secret to weight loss” nor do she have some superwoman will power that makes me better than the rest.  She  am just like any other woman out there that is trying to balance family life, work and everything else that life throws in front of us.  And believe her, there are days that she slip up and give into that Easter chocolate that keeps calling my name. But, she never give up because she know what awaits me if she do. The memory of being extremely obese haunts her daily  and she will never allow myself to become that again.
Original source can you read here.


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